Saturday, 18 March 2017

types of mountain in the world

there are several types of mountains, among of the are the following

  1. volcanic mountain
  2. fold mountain
  3. block mountain
  4. residual mountain
volcanic mountain 
is the type of mountain which formed due to the erruption of molten materials trom the earth's crust. for example kilimanjaro mountain in Tanzania.

fold mountain
 is the type of mountain  that form mainly by the effects of folding on layers within the upper part of the Earth's crust. such as Himalayas mountain

block mountain   
formed by the uplift of blocks of the earth's crust.

residual mountain
These mountains are formed out of the existing mountains i.e. Fold, Block or Volcanic Mountains. High Mountains are worn away by the agents of denudation i.e. wind, water, glacier, waves etc. The remaining part of these mountains is known as Residual mountain. Examples are Namuli Mountains in Mozambique and Hanbori Mountains in Mali.


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